Monday, 26 March 2012

Just checking out the blog headers.....

To put an image from your film or your poster on the top of your blog - go to design (top right) and click on edit in the header section. You can add your image there. First you will need to design your image and get it to the right size in PhotoShop. I did 980 pixels width by 200 length for this one.

Question 1a

In class today we looked at a sample answer for the question:

Describe how you used conventions of real media products for your own media production and evaluate how this skill contributed to the development of your work. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time. [25]
Candidates will need to refer to their work for the Foundation Portfolio and Advanced Portfolio. Additionally, they may make reference to other media production work but this is strictly optional.

Now it's your turn to answer this question. You have 30 minutes. Starting - NOW.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Work your way through it, one bullet point at a time.

Homework/Prep task for next lesson - IMPORTANT

In Monday's lesson we were working on how to approach the essay question for Section A: Question 1a. We focused on skills development from AS and A2, looking at RESEARCH AND PLANNING skills and then skills in the use of DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY. For next lesson, you have been asked to meticulously prepare an essay plan to answer the following question:

Describe how you developed post-production skills and evaluate how these skills contributed to creative products. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time. [/25]

You must use the following formula:

  • what you did at AS and A2
  • comment on opportunity for skills development
  • Which specific examples you will refer to in your essay (there should be 4)

Paragraphs 1-4:
  • Statement about specific skill i.e. Editing in Photoshop
  • Example of work from AS + Example of work from A2
  • Evaluate your skills development
  • How has this enabled you to be more creative?
  • Comment on your level of skill now and the difference that will make to future projects.
  • Comment on any areas for further development and how this would enable you to be more creative.

Monday, 12 March 2012




Just look at the creativity and quality!!!!! Look at the final work!!!!!! Where does yours stand in comparison?

You know you're as good as these students - so prove it to the examiner.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Final Week of Collective Identity

This week will be our last lessons on the IDENTITY topic until we get to the revision sessions. Get a grip on the theories and study texts now. You will be tested this week!!!!! If you've done your glossary you have nothing to fear......

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Prep work for exam

you will find the PowerPoints on our media website: