Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Film Posters

By now your Movie Posters should be complete. In terms of posts you can write about:

How you came up with your design ideas.
How your poster fits/doesn't fit the conventions of Movie Poster Design
Rvaluate the success of your poster in terms of communicating genre/content/release information and as a persuasive method of advertisment. All of these posts should include images of the design process and the finished article. If your work has already been displayed, it might be nice to include images of this. You can also evaluate the posters of others in the group, or discuss feedback you have recieved from your classmates.

Monday, 10 June 2013

What is a theatrical trailer/What is a teaser trailer?

For your second blog post (entitled 'What is a Trailer? What is a Teaser Trailer?) you should discuss each of the six following trailers. This should be both in terms of:
  • A brief overview of each- what characteristics (i.e. titles) does each possess?
  • A brief critical discussion of each trailer- do you think they are effective or problematic? Try to be specific about aspects that you enjoyed or found frustrating- please use screen grabs if this helps.
Finally, by exploring all six of these trailers, attempt to find some common ground between them. Summarise any recurring characteristics (you can make reference to any teaser trailer examples of your own).

Remember that you are encouraged to present this information in more than just writing- so, still images, Prezis or even moving image commentary may all prove more effective.

Slightly less familiar might be the concept of teaser trailers, which you could do (instead of a feature/theatrical trailer). The purpose of this is for you to understand that there are very few essential characteristics that you must include in your own trailer and for you to see some interesting marketing twists that teaser trailers incorporate- in short, to expand your idea of what a trailer needs to be.

Full Theatrical:

We are all somewhat familiar with what a trailer is. As long as you have been to the cinema, you will be aware that there are theatrical trailers where film companies are looking to entice you to come back and see an upcoming film. What you would need to identify is what a trailer must include and what it should include.

Trailer Research Task

For your first task we would like you to carry out some research into what makes an effective trailer. Visit the following website:


Pick three trialers that you are going to examine. Analyse each of the trailers according to what you think is effective about the following aspects:

Choice of Titles
Special Effects
Narrative (What are the audience shown/not shown?)
Voice over

Do not choose the following trailers, as you will be exploring them for your second task.

Monsters University
Anchorman 2
Last Vegas
Insidious Chapter 2

Welcome back!

Now that you are in A2, we are going to start your coursework early to give you the best chance at getting a good grade, and to allow more time to cover exam elements from September.

Your first few tasks will be as follows:

  • Trailer Research
  • What is a Trailer?
  • An in depth trailer analysis or timeline
  • Remake of a trailer
  • Mood Board
  • Sentence Pitch

  • See individual posts for more detail on how to complete each task. Remember that you will get a better grade for presenting information in more dynamic ways!