Thursday 1 December 2011

The Evaluation and FINAL HAND IN

The evaluation is a reflection on your work, with an emphasis on discussion of the key concepts. You are expected to evaluate using the knowledge and terminology you have developed over your A Level studies. Here are the questions you will need to answer in full:

And here is the grading criteria for level 4:

As you can see, it is important that you use creativity in the way you present your evaluation. This means straightforward essays are out of the question. If you are a strong essay writer, you might want to consider using those skills to write a script, and record a director's commentary, answering each of the questions. You don't need to show the film in a linear way either, you can take cuts to illustrate your points.

You can also record a podcast, make a creative prezi or present your answers - but remember you will be marked on your presentation skills.

You have until next Friday to complete the evaluation - FRIDAY 9TH DECEMBER. This is the final hand-in for the whole project so it can be marked in time to allow for final adjustments. It is in your best interests to get everything in on time. My own time for marking is very limited as you know.


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